2010 August




“All virtue is summed up in dealing justly” Aristotle

2010 august blog del dr enlogo riojano pablo orio 1Hello folks,

Lately I am making some trips to Ribera del Duero, since I am going to take care of the technical area of a small winery in Villatuelda; Peter Sisseck and Vega Sicilia be aware!

So far I am getting used  to the Ribera wines that are so similar and at the same time so different from those of La Rioja; and mainly to the area that I have covered a couple of times.


Here you can see a photo of the entrance of one of the most prestigious wineries in La Ribera: Bodegas Protos with the Castle of Peñafiel in the background, which I tried to visit but due to my lack of time I couldn’t.  I have pending a visit to the premises, since they told me it’s worth it. By the way, I bought some bottles of Protos Verdejo 2009 to taste something different and sincerely it isn’t bad but I have tasted many better Ruedas.

What can I say about La Ribera … the landscape is completely different from La Rioja; they surely have bigger land plots, there is one in Pagos del Rey where you drive pass in your car and it seems endless. You can see many more cereal plots inserted reason why they are not monoculture as we can be in La Rioja.

Actually I wish to start going to the vineyards to select the best plots and harvest them separately, working straight where I like it most; that is in the vineyard.

I enclose a curious photo, where you can appreciated the more than considerable height of the formation wire, it’s probably  1.20 m and with vegetation covers, it has a drip irrigation system  since surely it will be necessary to water it during the summer so it keeps the vegetation the maximum time possible.

Okay then, see you soon. I have a pile of things to explain to you although I need to make a little more of time to write all the experiences that happen and cross the mind of a technician in La Rioja.

“Hope is the dream of a waking man.” Aristóteles. Estufa de pellets

2010 august blog del dr enlogo riojano pablo orio 2

Hello Folks,

Here we are again after a lazy week without writing in the blog, I really do apologise.

Today I am going to describe one of my most interesting professional challenges. Will I be able to produce a wine, or better two, a Ribera del Duero and also a Rioja, and enter into the TOP 100?

What I am sure of is that we will do all the possible for it to be; therefore I am going to describe some of the steps that I have in mind.

1. Selecting the best land plot, about 2000 ha. in Rioja and 100 ha in Ribera del Duero. With the invaluable aid of the G. I. S.

2. Harvest in cases not over 25kg. and harvesting only the grapes that are in perfect conditions, the objective is to transport in less than one hour the grapes to the winery so they cannot evolve losing then aromas.

3. In the winery the grapes are lightly de-stalked and go to fermentation, leaving nature to do the rest, meaning, transforming the sugars into alcohol and freeing the wine’s aromatic compounds, as much the fermentative as the varietals.

4. The best casks will be selected according to origin, type of toast or supplier so they can do the malolatic fermentation and the subsequent  ageing.

5. Finally, we select a cork with two mirrored heads and then to bottling, where we leave all our dreams locked in a bottle.

All the described above doesn’t worry me a lot, what really distresses me is thinking that to reach and obtain a TOP WINE there is more, not at a technical level but at a commercial level, as if you had to pay the journalist with favours to obtain good reviews and points.

However, I do trust in the well doing  of people, also the first thing we have to do is obtain a wine of 100 points and afterwards see if we get those points but what we are sure of is that we have done a good job.

See you later folks.

2010 August

Lately I am making some trips to Ribera del Duero, since I am going to take care of the technical area of a small winery in Villatuelda; Peter Sisseck and Vega






2010 august blog del dr enlogo riojano pablo orio 1
2010 august blog del dr enlogo riojano pablo orio 1
2010 august blog del dr enlogo riojano pablo orio 1
2010 august blog del dr enlogo riojano pablo orio 1


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