



” From the sublime to the ridiculous is only one step “.

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821).

Viticulture blog del dr enlogo riojano pablo orio 1

There is a Spanish saying “If you want the vine strong prune it with leaf” , the people of Cenicero said it to me twice, and I was trying to look for a reason why our elders were saying it.

Everybody knows that once the harvest has finished, and before the leaf fall all the Carbohydrate Reserves that could remain stored in the leaves and in the shoots, are going down slowly towards the root to use as nutrients for the following year to bud with more force, due to the fact that they have to use these reserves until the new leaves are active photo synthetically with a positive balance meaning they generate more energy across the photosynthesis than they consume.


I have not found bibliographical references on this topic; but I am sure that if we have a vineyard in a poor soil that needs to optimize all the resources of nutrients to bud on the following year, in the first year surely we will not notice anything but I am sure that this vineyard will age worse than that vineyard which we prune as soon as all the leaves have fallen and it stores all the Carbohydrate as starch. Mejores Opiniones y reviews

I am very surprised that the old men are confused, I believe it is that we are confused with the Spanish saying, or maybe some people. When the word is “prune”, it does not refer to the current moment winter pruning, it is summer pruning or shoot thinning. Due to the elimination of these water shoots we are removing shoots that are often not fruitful,not only that but the operation of pruning is going to be easier in the future.

Finally I hope that this has helped you understand a bit more about the topic of the popular Spanish saying.

At the same time because I like to write my blogs I have decided to create a blog with my own domain I hope that it will be finish soon.

Have a good weekend.


There is a Spanish saying “If you want the vine strong prune it with leaf” , the people of Cenicero said it to me twice, and I was trying to look for a rea





Viticulture blog del dr enlogo riojano pablo orio 1
Viticulture blog del dr enlogo riojano pablo orio 1


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